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Prevalence and predictors of tobacco and alcohol use among adults in rural area of Varanasi district

Richa, Shamshad Ahmad, Gyan Prakash Singh, Chandra Pati Mishra.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: What is the extent of tobacco and alcohol use among adults in a rural area of Varanasi district?

Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use among adults in a rural area and the factors associated with it.

Materials and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Chiraigaon Development Block of Varanasi district. 201 adults were included in the study. Data were collected by house-to-house survey. The World Health Organization STEPwise tool was used as the study instrument to assess the behavioral risk factors. Simple proportions were calculated and Chi-square and logistic regression was applied for statistical significance using SPSS Version 17.

Results: Overall, the prevalence of tobacco use was 46.3%. About one-third of the females were using tobacco users. 15.9% of the subjects were current alcohol consumers. 31 out of 32 alcoholics were tobacco users.

Conclusion: The study showed a high burden of tobacco and alcohol use was high in rural area.

Key words: Tobacco Use; Alcohol Use; Non-communicable Diseases

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