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Laccase production by Myrothecium gramineum and its optimization under solid state fermentation using cowpea pod as substrate

V. Daphne Vivienne Gnanasalomi, J. Joel Gnanadoss.

Cited by 8 Articles

The present study highlights the utilization of wastes such as cowpea outer pod generated from agro-industries for laccase production using M. gramineum LCJ177 under Solid state fermentation. Conventional methods were used to optimize the process parameters. The classical one-factor-at-a-time method showed that the optimal starch concentration was 1 g/L, peptone concentration was 0.5 g/L, copper sulphate concentration was 0.6 mM and pyrogallol concentration was 0.8 mM. Likewise, the suitable physical conditions were an initial pH of 5 of the culture medium, temperature of 30 °C and moisture content of 60%. Utilization of dried cowpea outer pod as a substrate reduces the pollution levels by converting agro-wastes as useful by-products.

Key words: Keywords: Laccase, dried cowpea outer pod, solid state fermentation, one-factor-at-a-time

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