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The effect of zinc and Vitamin A supplements in treating and reducing the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections in children

Shereen Mohamad Shaker, Hassan Fathy, Eman K A Abdelall, Amira S A Said.

Cited by 13 Articles

Background: Supplementation of zinc and Vitamin A shows inconsistent effects on the respiratory morbidity in children in developing countries.

Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of zinc and zinc + Vitamin A supplementation on the acute upper respiratory infections (AURTIs) in the pediatric patients aged between 2 and 12 years.

Materials and Methods: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial was employed in the present study. A total of 80 children suffering with AURTI were randomly assigned to one of three intervention groups: Placebo group, daily zinc (2–2.5 mg elemental zinc/Kg divided on 1–3 doses) group, and daily zinc + once dosing of Vitamin A (50000 IU) group in addition to the required treatment for their respiratory illness. Differential blood count analysis and C-reactive protein (C-RP) were assayed on days 1 and 5, and then, zinc or placebo was given daily for 6 months to the children, which were followed up and monitored once weekly for 6 months. The information regarding adverse effects, AURTI incidence, and missing school days were then collected.

Results: The total white blood cells count, neutrophil (staph) percentage, and C-RP significantly decreased by post-supplementation with both zinc and zinc + Vitamin A. Monocytes percentage showed a significant increase by post-supplementation with zinc + Vitamin A (P = 0.011). In addition, AURTI and school absence incidences were significantly decreased in both zinc and zinc + Vitamin A recipients compared to placebo patients.

Conclusion: We concluded that zinc alone or simultaneous zinc and Vitamin A supplementation in AURTI patients significantly improved the clinical outcome by improving the immune status.

Key words: Zinc; Vitamin A; Supplements; Upper Respiratory Infections; Children

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