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Original Research

Med Arch. 2012; 66(6): 388-390

Auditing of Medical Chart Among Type 2 Diabetic Patient Done by Primary Care Physicians

Larisa Gavran, Muharem Zildzic, Olivera Batic-Mujanovic, Alma Alic, Ibrahim Gledo, Subhija Prasko.


Aim: To analyse the difference in documentation of standard parameters for monitoring DM type 2 between Family Medicine Teams (FMT) and Teams on Program Additional Training (PAT). Methods: Study was conducted as 20 medical chart audits of diabetic type 2 patients randomly selected per 3 FMT from Zenica and 3 PAT from Kakanj. According to the chart, we assess sex, age, glucose in blood-GB, blood pressure-BP, total cholesterol-TC, body mass index-BMI, HbA1c, foot exam, eye exam and urinoanalisis and have any of the tests been done in the past year. Results: 60 medical chart from FMT and 60 medical charts from PAT teams were reviewed. FMT vs. PAT teams recorded: BG 58% vs. 30% (X2=8.651, p=0.003); BP 70% vs.33% (X2=14.716, p=0.0001); TC 35% vs.22% (X2=2.011, p=0.156); BMI 48% vs.28% (X2=4.266, p=0.038); HbA1c 41% vs.75% (X2=12.377, p=0.0004); foot exam 26% vs. 78% (X2=28.158, p

Key words: audit, type 2 diabetic patients, Primary Care.

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