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Original Article

Majmaah J Heal Sci. 2013; 1(2): 1-6

Role of Siwak in the maintenance of Oral Homeostasis and Dental Hygiene compared with Tooth Brush

Wafaa A Khalil, Mohammed Y Sukkar, Bakri G Gismalla.


While previous research on Siwak has mostly focused on its microbiological effects, this research is aiming to evaluate its role on the maintenance of oral homeostasis and dental hygiene, an important factor for preventing caries and periodontal diseases. Two groups of subjects were studied: regular Miswak (n=60) and tooth paste brush users (n=59). Miswak used was from the “Arak” tree of Sudan, species of Salvadora Persica. Oral hygiene was assessed by measurement of plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI) and decayed, missing and filled (DMF) indices. The (PI) was significantly higher in Miswak users, but no difference was noted in the DMF and GI values. A positive correlation was found between DMF values and age among Miswak users, as well as between gingival and plaque index on both study groups. These findings suggest that use of Miswak offers a good option for maintaining oral homeostasis and hence in preventing periodontal disease and cares formation.

Key words: Siwak, Miswak use, oral homeostasis, dental hygiene, dental plaque, periodontal disease

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