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Original Article

Med Arch. 2018; 72(1): 9-12

Assesment of Rhythm Disorders in Classical and Nonclassical Mitral Valve Prolapse

Enisa Hodzic.


Introduction: Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) is the most common cardiac valve pathology of to day. Aim of article was to identify the types and frequency of potentially malignant arrhythmia and atrial brillation in patients with MVP, to determine the differences in these arrhythmias between classical and non-classical MVP, to evaluate the correlation of potentially malignant arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation with MVP with possible clinical complications of arrhythmogenic sudden cardiac death and potential risk of thromboembolic vascular incident. Patients and methods: Article has retrospective-prospective analytical character and present observational study on 239 patients (120 with MVP (66 with classical and 54 with non-classical MVP), who had a subjective feeling of palpitations and/or pain in the chest, and/or episode of syncope, and did not have ischemic heart disease or another valve pathology) and 119 healthy patients in the control group. All patients were analyzed by 24-hour ECG Holter. Results: Signifficant difference in all analyzed arrhythmias between classical MVP and control group (p

Key words: mitral valve prolapse, arrhythmia, ECG Holter monitoring.

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