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BMB. 2022; 7(2): 158-164

Determining the factors affecting the development of perioperative complications according to aging stages

Meliha Orhon Ergun, Seniyye Ulgen Zengin, Pelin Corman-Dincer, Tumay Umuroglu, Zuhal Aykac.


Objective: This study aimed to examine perioperative complication risks in elderly patients stratified by age.
Methods: Elderly patients (youngest-old, ages 65 to 74 years; middle-old, 75 to 84 years; and oldest-old, ≥85 years) and controls (20-30 years) who underwent surgical intervention under general anesthesia were included in this prospective observational study.
Results: Two-hundred-sixty patients were included. Different age subgroups showed a difference course in terms of perioperative complications. For any the combined end-point of any perioperative complication, a BMI>28 (OR, 2.4; 95%CI, 1.2-4.6; p=0.012), and being on multi-pharmacy regimen at baseline (OR, 1.9; 95%CI, 1.1-3.5; p=0.029) emerged as significant independent predictors. In reference to controls, each elderly age group emerged as significant independent predictor: youngest-olds (OR, 4.9; 95%CI, 2.2-10.8; p

Key words: elderly, surgery, complications, youngest-old, middle-old, oldest-old

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