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Sleep Hypn. 2019; 21(2): 147-157

Hypnotic Attachment to the Night Sky: Theoretical Considerations and an Abbreviated Measure of Noctcaelador

William E Kelly.


Noctcaelador (attachment to the night sky) was conceptualized as a hypnotic, self-stabilizing attachment most often present among individuals with a flexible, permeable psychic structure. An abbreviated version of the Noctcaelador Inventory (the NI-4) was developed and evaluated in six samples (N=747). Across all samples the NI-4 correlated highly with the original scale. The NI-4 possessed good structural validity, criterion validity, convergent and discriminant validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. A 60% reduction of items led to little decrease in the psychometric properties of the scale or its ability to detect relationships with hypothetically related variables. With its brevity, the NI-4 can easily be included in longer research protocols and in situations in which time is extremely limited.

Key words: Absorption. hypnosis proneness, noctcaelador, night sky, measurement,

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