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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2007; 6(4): 227-232

Investigation of Acute Toxicity of a Chemical Warfare Agent in Kidneys

Turgut,Topal, Muharrem,Uçar, Ercan,Göçgeldi, Hakan,Yaren, Bülent,Kurt, Recai,Oğur, Ahmet,Korkmaz*.


One of the most important chemical warfare agents, sulfur mustard (SM) causes crucial acute and chronic toxic effects. Lung, skin, eye and kidneys are the most affected organs. In this work, it was investigated if increased nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite are involved in nitrogen mustard (NM) induced kidney damage. In this experimen, aminoguanidine (AG) as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibitor and ebselen as peroxynitrite scavenger were used. NM administration resulted in important oxidant and antioxidant changes as well as tissue damage in kidneys. Therapeutic agents showed significant protection and reduced oxidant parameteres leading to tissue healing was observed. Results of this study suggest that drugs with similar properties can be used to protect kidney damage caused by NM.

Key words: chemical warfare, sulfur mustard, nitrogen mustard, ebselen, aminoguanidine

Article Language: Turkish English

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