Aim: Evaluation of the relationship among upper extremity pain, function, and motor activity in early hemiplegic patients
Material and Methods: Fifty-three subjects, who had suffered hemiplegia between 1-3 months after stroke, were included in this study. Visual Analogue Scale was used for pain assessment, Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity Motor Assessment Scale was used for upper extremity function evaluation, and Motor Activity Log-28 was used for evaluating motor activity after the demographic data of the subjects were recorded. Brunnstrom stages were used to identify, define, and quantify the recovery stages after stroke.
Results: The average age of the individuals participating in the study was 54.56±8.10, and the Body Mass Index was 26.12±3.68. The subjects rest pain score was 30.00±19.90 and the activity pain score 42.83±24.44. The total score of the Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity Motor Evaluatıon Scale was 18.84±17.08, the Quality of Movement sub-parameter score of the Motor Activity Log was 28 0.89±0.87, and the Amount of Use sub parameter score was 0.93±0.92. The relationship between the upper extremity function of the patients and motor activity was observed, which showed that all sub-parameters had a moderate correlation in the positive direction (r=0.539-0.779, p
Key words: Hemiplegia; Function; Motor activity; Pain.