Objective: This study aimed to assess the thrombolytic, membrane stabilizing, and antinociceptive activities of the methanolic extract of Xanthium indicum Koenig fruits along with its phytochemical screening.
Material and Methods: Qualitative analysis method is adopted to evaluate phytochemicals. In-vivo antinociceptive efficacy was assessed using acetic acid induced writhing method in mice model. In-vitro membrane stabilizing and thrombolytic test were done by % inhibition of hypotonic solution produced hemolysis and clot disruption assay respectively.
Results: Crude methanolic extract was used for phytochemical screening which confirmed the presence of reducing sugars, tannin, saponin, protein, phenol and diterpenes. In antinociceptive activity test, 500 mg/kg dose of crude extract showed 40% inhibition of writhing, while 200mg/kg showed 22.64%. 10 mg/ml extract inhibit highest rate of hemolysis with a value of 51.79% in membrane stabilizing activity test; while for acetyl salicylic acid (0.10 mg/ml), this value was 71.35%. In thrombolytic activity test, 10 mg/ml plant extract showed 27.11% of clot-lysis, which was maximum among our tested concentration; however 40.08%lysiswas occurred by the standard drug streptokinase. In all cases, we found the dose dependant response. Tannin and flavonoid are known to be responsible for antinociceptive and thrombolytic response.
Conclusion: As the methanolic extract of the fruits of X. indicum possess potential pharmacological effects, the plant should be scrutinized comprehensively to uncover the inherent bioactive components with their exact mechanism of action for the drug development program.
Key words: Xanthium indicum, Writhing, Membrane stabilizing, Thrombolytic activity.