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Original Article

Med Arch. 2017; 71(6): 400-403

Rhythm Disturbance After Myocardial Revascularization

Nedzad Kadric, Enes Osmanovic.


Introduction: Heart rhythm disorders are common in the post-operative period following surgical myocardial revascularization (CABG). The incidence of any type of arrhythmia in the postoperative period can go up to 85%. While most are transient and short-term, it does not lead to deterioration of the postoperative course, in a smaller number of patients they can be predictors of various events that result in fatal outcome. Arrhythmias occur suddenly and need to be recognized and reacted in time. Standard monitoring consists of 12-channel electrocardiogram (ECG), laboratory findings and, if necessary, 24-hour HOLTER monitoring. Persistent arrhythmias increase overall morbidity and mortality, and costs treatments are increasing enormously. Patients and methods: The prospective study analyzed patients of all age groups and sexes in whom angiographically coronary arterial disease was confirmed and who underwent surgery CABG. A total of 60 patients were screened during 2016. All age groups of both sexes in whom no rhythm disorders were previously recorded were included in the study. Results: A total of 60 patients undergoing CABG were analyzed. The average age of patients was 63.56 8.55 years. The most preoperative factor was hypertension, which was recorded in 53 (88.33%) patients. The higher number of patients was operated using CPB 75.86%. The most commonly performed 3 aorto-coronary by-pass 45 (75%). The most common form of rhythm disorder was POAF, which occurred in 18 (30%) patients. In 24 patients, a change in heart rhythm was observed in the postoperative period in the group of operated ON pump techniques, while in the case of the application of Off pump technique only 5 patients were present, which was statistically significant (p

Key words: myocardial revascularization, rhythm disturbance.

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