Capgras Syndrome is a psychotic disorder characterized by a delusion that a specific person or object has been replaced by an identical one (imposter). It has been reported to occur rarely in pure form, but generally accompanying schizophrenia or organic psychosis. Here, we report report a case of Capgras syndrome developed after long-term use of inhalants and to draw attention to psychotic symptoms and to this uncommon psychotic phenomenon which may occur after inhalant use. In Capgras Syndrome patients consideration of his close relatives and friends replaced by imposters is a delusion. Patient presented to our clinic with persecutory delusions and he was thinking that he had been adopted by imposters. Olanzapine, initially 10 mg/day oral, followed by augmented dose of olanzapine has been administered. Although diminished in intensity, the patients symptoms persisted as residual symptoms.
Key words: Capgras Syndrome, inhalants, psychotic disorder