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RMJ. 2018; 43(4): 665-669

Apprehensions about reproductive health: a cross sectional study in Karachi, Pakistan

Arfa Mustasam, Saima Naseem, Earaj Javed.


Objective: To evaluate current level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of women regarding reproductive health services.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted from August to September 2013 in Karachi using a structured questionnaire.
Results: Majority of the females (64%) did not seek any medical advice for gynecological care. Eighty percent had never received information about sexually transmitted infections. Most of them (74%) had never discussed methods of family planning with a doctor or other health care professional. However, most women considered antenatal and postnatal care necessary for a women’s health and they were interested to get awareness in this regard.
Conclusion: Majority of the participants surveyed had inadequate knowledge of reproductive health. It included variety of misconception, ignorance, social taboos and unscientific notions. However, most had positive attitude towards gaining reproductive health knowledge and were willing to get education on related issues.

Key words: Reproductive health, family planning, antenatal care, postnatal care.

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