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Chronomorphological and pressure changes in a sign of aging - pseudoexfoliation of the eye

Shailaja S Patil, Anita Herur, Brid S V, Rashmi Neginhal.

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Background: Pseudoexfoliation (PXE) is an age-related disorder, a risk factor for glaucoma. The aim of this research was to study the chronomorphological and pressure changes in PXE of the eye.

Aims and Objectives: To determine and to compare the anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT), axial length (AL), corneal curvature (CC), and intraocular pressure (IOP) in cases with PXE and in controls. Thence, predict the future onset of pseudoexfoliative glaucoma.

Material and Methods: This was a caseĀ–control study, patients diagnosed to have PXE with the help of slit lamp, above 50 years were taken as cases and age-matched subjects as controls. Measurement of ACD, LT, and AL by A-scan; CC by Keratometer; and IOP by Schiotz tonometer of both cases and controls were performed.

Results: Fourteen cases and seventeen controls were studied. A significant difference in mean IOP (P = 0.029) and AL (P = 0.001) between cases and controls was found.

Conclusion: IOP and AL were significantly more in PXE as compared to controls. A significant increase in IOP and AL together may predict the future onset of PXE and hence, may help in early diagnosis of glaucoma and which may be missed in cases of PXE.

Key words: Glaucoma; Pseudoexfoliation; Axial Length; Intraocular Pressure; Corneal Curvature

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