Case Report |
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Incidental diagnosis of hiatus hernia on technetium-99m pertechnetate Meckel's scanSadaf T Butt, Shazia Fatima, Ghazal Jameel, Noreen Marwat, Javaid Irfan. Abstract | | | | Hiatus hernia is not an uncommon condition. Its true incidence is difficult to estimate since a proportion of the cases are not demonstrated radiologically, and an equal number of clinical diagnoses are made without radiological demonstration. We report a case of a 4-year-old boy being investigated for severe anaemia, abdominal pain and maleana who was referred to our institute for a technetium-99m pertechnetate Meckel's scan. The scan revealed a pertechnetate-avid area in the chest. Lateral views of the chest and SPECT images showed this area to be localized to the posterior mediastinum. CT images and barium swallow examination confirmed the diagnosis of hiatus hernia.