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Case Report

Extensive perianal basal cell carcinoma: A case report

Lamiaa Bensaida, Sarah Sabur, Samir Mazouz, Noureddine Gharib, Abdellah Abbassi.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer. It usually occurs in sun-exposed areas; perianal location is rare. The extension to the anal canal is exceptional, only a few cases were reported in the literature.
Observation: we report the case of a 58 years old patient, referred for a chronic ulceration of the perianal area. Histopathology revealed an extensive basal cell carcinoma. a large excision was performed, with a favorable outcome.
conclusion: the main lesson from this case is that although basal cell carcinoma is exceptional in the perianal region, a biopsy is mandatory for all chronic perianal ulcerations.

Key words: anal canal, basal cell carcinoma, perianal ulceration

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