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Mitigation of Fusarium Wilt Disease of Vicia faba Using Artemisia monosperma Extract

Rania Samy Hanafy, Omima Mohamed El-Mahdy.


The antifungal activity of Artemisia monosperma aqueous extracts against Fusarium solani. sp. Phaseoli the causal agent of Vicia faba wilt and its ability in inducing disease resistance were studied in vivo using seed-soaking treatment before sowing. Plants were harvested at vegetative and flowering stages after sowing. Results showed that growth, yield parameters and phytohormone contents were markedly inhibited in bean plants in response to Fusarium wilt disease, whereas lipid peroxidation and the contents of non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants were increased as compared with healthy control plants. Moreover, presoaking in A. monosperma extract increased all the mentioned parameters and decreased lipid peroxidation in both healthy and infected plants. Intracellular penetration of fungal hyphae was also observed. Moreover, transmission sections of roots showed other effects of Fusarium infection. Meanwhile, A. monosperma extract could alleviate the harmful effects of Fusarium infection via improving the above mentioned studied parameters. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that A. monosperma extract as a biocontrol agent played an important role in enhancing plant resistance against Fusarium wilt disease of bean plants.

Key words: Faba bean, biological control, phenols, flavonoids, antioxidant enzymes.

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