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Review Article

Open Vet J. 2018; 8(1): 104-111

Recent Approaches in Food Bio-Preservation-A Review

Veer Pal Singh.

Cited by 167 Articles

Overall bio-preservation of food by bacteriocins, bacteriophages and endolysins has promising role in food processing, preservation and food safety. Bacteriocins and endolysins are believes to have more suitability for DNA shuffling and protein engineering to generate highly potent variants with expanded activity spectrum. Genetically modified bacteriophages may also be helpful in bio-preservation but their safety issues must be addressed properly before selection as bio-preservative agent. The bacteriocins may be a good hurdle agent and successfully can be incorporated into packaging films and combined with modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). Similarly phages and endolysins have been successfully combined with nisin and high hydrostatic pressure enhances endolysin activity Bacteriophages and endolysins has also been advocated as good disinfectants in food environments, including food handlers, but delivery strategies have to be implemented. So to attain bio-preservation in most holistic manner it is mandatory to prove the freeness from resistance particularly of bacteriocins and bacteriophages. However, endolysisn has no such problem indicated till date. But phages mutate at frequencies significantly higher than that of bacteria. But new phage selection might easily overcome bacterial resistance. Lysogeny process is quite deteriorative because of it bacterial resistant becomes superinfection. Thus temperate phages should always be avoided. But on revolution in genetic technology and advancement in molecular techniques it is expected that bacteriocins, bacteriophages and endolysins will prove the future bio-preservative.

Key words: Biopreservation, Lactic Acid Bacteria, Bacteriocins, Bacteriophages, Endolysins

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