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Original Article

NNJ. 2013; 1(4): 52-53
doi: 2013

A study to assess the effectiveness of changing position in reduction of serum bilirubin among neonates undergoing phototherapy in NMCH at Nellore.



INTRODUCTION: Birth of healthy newborn is the finest gift of nature. Human life starts from newborn period .Immediately after birth newborn will
adopt the external environment. During the process of the physiological adaptation neonates can get life threatening problems, such as asphyxia, hyper bilirubinemia, infection. among these problems hyper bilirubinemia is the common problem. Med Group (2001) stated that change of the
baby’s position after each feeding to exposure different skin surfaces to the light in phototherapy. It helps to exposure large body surface of neonates to fluorescent light. So absorption of light will increase and excretion of bilirubin will taking place. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the level of serum bilirubin among phototherapy neonates. 2. To determine the effectiveness of changing position in reduction of bilirubin among neonates between experimental and control group. 3. To associate the effectiveness of changing position in reduction of serum bilirubin level with selected socio demographic variables undergoing phototherapy neonates. HYPOTHESIS: The following hypothesis was stated for this study: H1: There would be a statistical significant reduction in the level of serum bilirubin of phototherapy neonates following the changing positions.”. H2: There would be a significant association of post test level of serum bilirubin of phototherapy neonates with selected socio demographic variables. METHODOLOGY: The research design was true experimental research design. Setting: The study was conducted in NICU, Narayana General Hospital, Nlr. Sampling technique was Simple random sampling technique with 60 samples both experimental (30), and control group (30). RESULT: In experimental group pre test, mean was 1.53 and SD was 1.58 and in post test mean was 3.46 and SD was 3.46. Paired’ test value was 10.72 which is high significant
at 5% of table value.  In control group pre test mean was 1.6and the SD was 1.707 and the post test mean was 2.53 and SD was 2.56. And the paired ‘t’ test value was 6.2 which is less significant at 5% of table value.  In case of Post - test of serum bilirubin level of experimental group and control the independent‘t’ test value is 34.44 which shows significance at 5% of table value.  Hence hypothesis framed for this study was
accepted. CONCLUSION: This study showed that the most of the neonates in experimental group achieved the fully and moderate reduction of serum bilirubin level. In NICU the nurse has to change the position of phototherapy neonates every one hours.so, they can reduce the time of treatment of neonates and easy curation of the disease.

Key words: effectiveness, changing position, reduction of serum bilirubin, neonates undergoing phototherapy

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