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RMJ. 2018; 43(4): 623-626

Pattern of Hemoglobinopathies on HPLC among patients referred to selected centers in Peshawar, Pakistan

Khalid Khan, Saiqa Zahoor.


Objective: To find the pattern of hemoglobin disorders and variants in patients referred to selected diagnostic centers in Peshawar.
Methodology: This study was performed on patients referred for hemoglobin electrophoresis from June 2016 to June 2017 at Khalid laboratory and Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar. A detail history, general physical examination and history of blood transfusion were recorded. Results: Out of 809 subjects, 326(40.30%) were found to have some form of Hemoglobin disorders. Out of the 326 cases, Thalassemia trait were found in 256(78.5%), HbE Trait 5(1.5%), HbE disease 3 (0.9%), HbD disease 1(0.3%), HbD trait 6 (1.8%), Sickle cell trait 4(1.3%), Sickle cell Beta thalassemia 6(1.8%), Sickle cell disease 5(1.5%), Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin 4(1.3%) and thalassemia major in 36(11.0%).
Conclusion: Hemoglobin disorders are quite common in our community. It is responsible for severe socioeconomic problems in the affected families. Prevention especially by premarriage screening may help in controlling these diseases.

Key words: Electrophoretic pattern, Hemoglobin disorders, HPLC

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