INTRODUCTION: Human rights are universal and inalienable; indivisible; interdependent and interrelated. They are universal because everyone is born with and possesses the same rights, regardless of where they live, their gender or race, or their religious, cultural or ethnic background. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: To assess the level of knowledge and attitude regarding importance of human rights among health care team members To correlate the level of knowledge and attitude towards importance of human rights among health care team members & To associate the level of knowledge and attitude towards importance of human rights with selected demographic variables among health care team members. HYPOTHESIS: RHI : There will a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and attitude towards importance of human rights among health care team members working in Mental health Department . RH2 : There will a significant association of the level of knowledge and attitude towards importance of human rights with the selected demographic variables among health care team members working in Mental health Department. Research design - Non experimental
descriptive survey approach Setting of the study-Mental health department in Narayana General Hospital, Nellore Population - All the health care team
members working in Mental health Department. Sample - All the health care team members working in Mental health Department who fulfils the inclusive criteria of sample selection. Sampling Technique - Non probability convenient sampling technique Sample Size - 100 health care team members. Result: The mean knowledge score on human right is 7.0 and SD is 1.56. 52% of the health care team members have moderately adequate knowledge regarding the importance of human rights. 2. 8% of the health care team members have adequate knowledge regarding the importance
of human rights. 3. 64% of the health care team members have moderately favorable attitude towards the importance of human rights. 4. 8% of the health care team members have favorable attitude towards the importance of human rights. There is a significant positive relationship between the level of knowledge and attitude towards the importance of human rights among the health care team members. CONCLUSION: This study helps the researcher to identify the need for imparting the knowledge and attitude towards importance of human rights among health care team members.
Key words: Knowledge and attitude, importance of human rights, health care team members