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NNJ. 2013; 1(4): 7-10
doi: 2013

Reminiscence Therapy in geriatric mental health care

Ms.Rajeswari. H.


Memory is a boon given to human being. All human experiecnce are stored in the memory from birth to demise. Reminiscence, the act or process of recalling the past is a complex phenomenon believed to occur in all people throughout the life span Reminiscence Therapy It is a psychotherapeutic technique in which self-esteem and personal satisfaction are restored, particularly in older persons, by encouraging patients to review past experiences of a pleasant nature. It is defined as using the recall of past events, feelings, and thoughts to facilitate pleasure, quality of life, or adaptation to present circumstances Goals are 1. Provide opportunities for socialization, diversion, pleasure & communication 2. To prevent or alleviate isolation & depression 3. To increase life satisfaction & self esteem by validating the clientÂ’s worth, uniqueness & achievements

Key words: Reminiscence Therapy , geriatric, mental health care

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