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NNJ. 2013; 2(3): 10-15
doi: 2013




Introduction: Ageing is a natural process.old age is an inevitable one.old age is a crucial phase where the physiological, ’psychological & socio-cultural changes make elderly to develop depression.Nearly 75million constitute the elderly population.According to ICMR Bulletin(2003) 38% of the population are affected with uni-polar mood depression.some amount of tension or conflict is needed to be created within the individual for the betterment of their life.When individual adapts to the situation with positive emotions he overcomes the stress but fails to adapt or fails to use his coping mechanism he goes for the fluctuation in the mood,which starts with frustration finally leading to the state of depression.laughter is an antidote for stress which helps in the pursuit of happiness.In any form of relaxation we have to have our conscious thought process but for laughing all our senses naturally & effortlessly combine in a moment of harmony to give joy ,peace & relaxation.Many studies also proved that using laughter as therapy can help to maintain equilibrium in bio-psycho-socio-cultural aspects for senior citizens.OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the level of depression among geriatric people 2. To install laughter therapy among habitats with depression in geriatric home 3. To determine the effectiveness of laughter therapy among habitants with depression in geriatric home 4. To correlate the effectiveness of laughter therapy on various dimension of depression among habitants in geriatric home 5. To associate the demographic variables with the effectiveness of laughter therapy among habitants in geriatric home. HYPOTHESIS: There is a significant effectiveness of laughter therapy among habitants with depression in geriatric home. Methodology: Quantitative research approach and research design was adopted. conducted a study among 80 aged in sri venkateswara home for the aged. Result: In the experimental group after the intervention of laughter therapy 14(35%) had mild depression & 26(65%) had moderate depression. There is a statistically significant effectiveness of laughter therapy on the level of depression
among geriatric people in experimental group at the level of p

Key words: laughter therapy, habitants, geriatric, depression

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