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Comparison of visual evoked potential changes with the duration of Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Sudha D, Chandraselvi E, Saikumar P.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Many studies proved that the visual evoked potential (VEP) nerve conduction studies in the diabetes mellitus (DM) patients helped to detect the early changes in nerve conduction. But with relation to the duration of the disease and the VEP nerve conduction studies in the DM patients were understudied.

Aims and Objectives: To compare the VEP changes with the duration of the disease.

Materials and Methods: For this study, Type 2 DM (n - 135) and physical characteristics with different disease duration were recruited. VEP was conducted for each patient using recorder and medicare system polyrite.

Result: The VEP latency P100 was higher in Group-II (111.6 ± 7.5) than the other groups (109.90 ± 9.3; 111.7 ± 6.3).

Conclusion: Keeping tight control on glycemic level and detecting the early nerve conduction changes using VEP will be useful. Avoiding sedentary life and proper diet would help the diabetes patients to have a better lifestyle.

Key words: Visual Evoked Potential; Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; Nerve Conduction Study

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