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Review Article

Harmful effects of beauty care products on human health

Sheikh Afaq Gowhar.

Cited by 7 Articles

The review evaluates the current scenario of cosmetic use and their damaging tendencies in different organs of human body. The continuous and homogenous exposure to chemicals present in cosmetic products is health deteriorating at an alarming rate. Various cosmetic products are full with number of raw ingredients such as surfactants, foam agents, fragrances, thickeners, minerals, metals, and preservatives have synthetic origin, and hence, pose a disturbance to normal physiology and are harmful for health ,percutaneous absorption of irritants, and allergens of dermal skin. Various reviews and reports showed chemical composition of commonly used cosmetics have been evaluated to examine their ill effects and mechanism of action while passing in different routes of body. The focus of the work was also given on some main and commonly used ingredients of different cosmetic products, their rate of dermal absorption, and impact on general metabolism in humans.

Key words: Carcinogenic; Cosmetics; Endocrine; Phthalates; Paraben

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