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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5166-5177

Student Funding System Using Blockchain



In times of crisis like Covid-19, students have to pursue their education online which demands the usage of electronics like phones, tablets, and laptops. Poor students cannot afford to buy these devices by themselves. Crowd funding can help those students to pursue their education without worries. Donors who donate for such causes have a doubt whether their donated money serves the intended purpose. The proposed system can help donors donate money without these doubts and help needy students. The administrator is the one who introduces Provider and Local Admin for each region into the system. Local Admins are responsible for organizations added under their region. Providers can provide proposals for affordable devices to organizations. These proposals include a document that defines prototype design. The organization can enroll students who are eligible to access the benefits of the system. Once the proposal is accepted by the organization, the public can view the proposal details in the dashboard and can donate ethers of their will. When sufficient fund is collected, devices are dispatched to organizations and the receipt of devices needs to be approved by Local Admin. For each student, proof of delivery should be submitted. Once every proof is received the proposal is marked as done and settlement of collected funds to provider takes place. This system makes use of blockchain for immutability, security. The proofs are too stored in IPFS. All the records are secure and immutable. The money donated by donors is stored in the smart contract itself. The public can view details related to the proposal which promotes transparency. The motiveof this system is to eliminate third parties and bring trust among donors that their money serves only the intendedpurpose

Key words: Student, Funding, System , Blockchain

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