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AAM. 2017; 6(3-4): 115-121

Validation of Yavakshara Preparation- An Ayurvedic Alkaline Formulation

Akash Dilip Kawashte, Piyush Krantikumar Gandhi.


Kshar is one important treatment paradigm emphasized by ayurveda. Kshar Kalpana (ayurvedic alkali formulation) is aformulation made of alkaline substances of the plants. The preparation in the study used five sequential procedures i.e. 1.Open Burning, 2. Maceration of white ash with specific quantum of water, 3.Sedimentation 4. Filtration and 5.Evaporation of Filtrate. Validation is needed at the level of each unit operation with scientific data. Here an attempt is made to generate scientific data on five procedures with different proportion of water used for dissolution of alkaline material. Many variants of the procedures are available in literature. Yavakshar is a commonly used kshar with lot of adulteration due to raw material scarcity. So yavakshar was taken up as representative to validate the process used in kshar kalpana.

Key words: Yavakshar, Validation, Kshar Kalpana, Ayurvedic alkaline preparation

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