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IJHRS. 2015; 4(2): 143-152

Immunohistochemical Localization of Estrogen Receptors in the Hippocampus of the Westar Albino Rats.

Sivanandan Ramar, Salameh Al Dajah, Hariraja Muthusamy.


Estrogen plays an important role in changes taking place in the brain through the regulation of growth and differentiation of axons and dendrites, influence on plasticity, support of survival as well cognitive and behavioral functions. The classical mode of estrogen action is through the activation of its receptors, ER alpha and beta. ERα is more abundant in the arcuate nucleus, and ERβ is more prevalent in the hippocampus. Both receptors are located with the cell (genomic). Most of the literature are also supports the genomic ER importance and its role in cell signaling
Purpose: To find out the genomic ER role and its cell signaling in hippocampus
Methods and Materials:
In this study extracellular neuronal ERs were identified in control as well as experimental group Westar albino rats by immunohistochemistry. Its importance in cell signaling was explained. In immunohistochemistry, indirect Avidin-Biotin Complex (ABC) formation method was used.
Presence of genomic estrogen beta receptors in the hippocampus of wistar albino rats was measured. Presence of more number of in ER-IR pattern in (80.85±6.53) different subfields of CA as well as in DG by morphometric study. It suggest that presence of ERs through its estrogenic activity. These highly localized shifts in ER regulation and distribution may contribute to stress related decreases in synaptic plasticity While in this study confirms that more number of ER-IR was present within the presynaptic terminal and spines of CA1 pyramidal neurons of hippocampus.
Genomic location of estrogen receptor in the hippocampus influence the hippocampal neuronal plasticity and cognition

Key words: Estrogen receptors, hippocampus, genomeneuronal plasticity and cognition

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