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Sudan J Paed. 2012; 12(2): 73-6

Successful separation of craniopagus conjoined twins.

Abdelmoneim E M Kheir; David J Dunaway; Owase N U Jeelani; Nader M Osman; Ilham M Omer; Abdelmutalab M A Imam; Nuha S Abbadi; Mohamed Z A Karrar.


Craniopagus conjoined twins represent a rare phenom- enon of congenital malformation/ dysmorphism. The clinical pathology of this complex entity is reviewed and placed in perspective. Confusion surrounds the severity of craniopagus conjoined twins especially in relation to the difficulty of separation and subsequent outcome. Successful separation of craniopagus twins remains a rarity, however modern neurosurgical tech- niques have created opportunities for successful sepa- ration and brought hope for a normal survival of these children who in the past were often left as historical footnotes or put on display as oddities of nature. We report on a craniopagus conjoined twins from Sudan who had been successfully separated.

Key words: Conjoined; Craniopagus; Sudan; Twins

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