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Daminova Gulbahor, Oybek kizi, Igamova Dildora Nazirovna, Budikova Marguba Hoshimovna.


Today, many healthcare workers learn medical English: some want to go on internships or work abroad, others dream of going to international conferences, others are the first to read publications about discoveries in medicine. Whatever the goal, steps must be taken to achieve it, and we want to help you with this. In the article, we will present you with a short dictionary of medical terms in English, phrases for communicating with the patient, as well as a list of 42 best resources for learning English for doctors. Of course, in this article we will not be able to put all the medical terms in English, but still decided to give you the basic concepts. In the meantime, let's get acquainted with the basic terminology

Key words: problem-based training, a hospital, an infirmary, a clinic, a care home, a day centre, a halfway house, a consulting room, a day room, an otolaryngologist, a cardiologist,a dentist, a dermatologist, internal medicine, general practice,nephrology, obstetrics oncology, ophthalmology, orthodontics, orthopedics/orthopaedics

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