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Sudan J Paed. 2016; 16(1): 67-75

A relic of the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories in Khartoum (1903-34).

Ahmed Awad Adeel.


This article explores the origins of an old brass monocular microscope in the Central Laboratory in Khartoum, which used to be the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratory in Khartoum (1903-1934). Examination of the microscope and review of published literature gave clues to the historical background of this microscope. Identical microscopes were first manufactured by R and J Beck in 1898, and continued to be advertised in 1899. The microscope was probably among the instruments provided by Wellcome for the initial establishment of the laboratories in 1902-1903. The article includes a brief review of the development of light microscopy. The need for preservation and proper restoration of old relics of the Wellcome laboratories in Khartoum is emphasized.

Key words: Microscope; Sudan medical history; Tropical medicine; Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories in Khartoum

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