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Development and design of an undergraduate radiology teaching e-portfolio for clinical practice and professional development

Mohamed M Abuzaid, Wiam Elshami, Leena David, Zarmeena Noorjan, Asma Abdi.

Cited by 6 Articles

In recent years, there has been significant efforts to optimize radiology curricula in medical education. The use of online teaching, learning and assessment tools such as e-portfolios have been popularized in both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. E-portfolio’s can offer a platform to facilitate academic and practice skill development in radiology education. This study discusses the development and integration of a Blackboard Learning Management System e-portfolio targeting radiology education.
Methods and Materials:
Following a need assessment, framework, system components, a tailored portfolio system designed, developed and integrated at Blackboard. Technological arrangements for supporting portfolio education and assessment include calendar, announcement, guidelines, and facility of ‘collect,' ‘select’ and ‘reflect’ on evidence of development/experience, to link the students uploaded material with reflective writing, ability to accommodate a range of contents.
The system has been officially implemented, evaluation of the system includes user and expert regarding functions, design and interface operation, uses, and impacts on learning will carry out after enough period. Expect results that to be supportive on improving learning and accomplishing clinical practice competency.
E-portfolios can be used to monitor students’ progress and professional competence. The new e-portfolio will replace the current paper-based portfolio used at medical diagnostic imaging program, University of Sharjah. There are many drawbacks related to the paper-based portfolio such lack of immediate feedback, interaction, and communication between faculty and students.

Key words: Radiography students Radiography curriculum Radiography education

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