Background: Non-Diabetic Retinopathy is a serious feature that may increase cardiovascular or cerebrovascular risk. Etiology may be ocular or systemic.
Case Presentation: We present a twenty-eight year old male patient with blurring vision that is neither diabetic, hypertensive, ocular disease nor systemic disease. Proper management (history, examination, investigations and follow-up) can prevent ocular morbidity or life mortality.
Results: Ocular conditions are associated with retinopathy in non-diabetic patients. However, in diabetic patients, non-diabetic retinal pathologies prevail leading to retinopathy.
Conclusions: Ophthalmologists should be aware of the conditions associated with retinopathy in non-diabetic patients (ocular and systemic conditions) and should appropriately investigate, refer and manage these patients.
Key words: Non-diabetic retinopathy, fundus fluorescein angiography, blurring vision