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RMJ. 2020; 45(4): 830-833

Effects of Kegel exercises for the management of pelvic floor muscles weakness after episiotomy

Mehr un Nisa, Arooj Fatima, Sundas Sohail, Shiza Kazmi, Ashfaq Ahmad, Syed Amir Gilani.


Objective: To evaluate effectiveness of Kegel exercises for management of post-episiotomy weak pelvic floor musculature.
Methodology: This experimental trial conducted at National Hospital, Faisalabad, included 45 women with diagnosed pelvic floor muscles (PFM) weakness after episiotomy. Subjects were pre-instructed to perform Kegel exercises according to given protocol. Outcome measures were pain intensity and strength of PFM; assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS) and vaginal digital examination along with modified oxford grading scoring system, respectively.
Results: Out of 45 women, 19 (42.2%) had complaint of pain and urinary incontinence. By applying Friedman test, the median pain score was 5.00 before intervention while it was reduced to 3.00 after 3 weeks of performing exercises. The median manual muscle testing (MMT) score was 2.00 before intervention, but it remains 2.00 after 3 weeks. Patients showed better results for pain (p=0.000) and for pelvic muscles strength (p=0.000).
Conclusion: Kegel exercises are simple and cost-efficient method as they relieved patientÂ’s pain and improved incontinence. They helped in improving pain after episiotomy therefore they should be included in post-natal patient care program.

Key words: Kegel exercises, pelvic floor muscles, visual analogue scale.

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