Introduction: Cervical cancer can be successfully prevented by timely detection of changes that precede it such as atypical (ASC-H) and high grade squamous lesions (HSIL). Aim: To investigate the correlation between Pap smear and colposcopy in the detection of premalignant and malignant cervical lesions based on a pathohistological finding. Methods: In a retrospective study 118 patients with HSIL and ASC-H findings were examined. A Pap smear, colposcopic examination and cervical canal biopsy were performed. The study was conducted at the Gynecological Center Dr Mahira Jahic Tuzla and the Clinical Center Tuzla, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Results: 1049 abnormal Pap tests were analyzed, ASCUS in 51,8% (N-544), LSIL 32,1% (N-337), HSIL 7,7% (N-81) and ASC-H 3,5% (N-37), AGC 4,8% (N-51). The mean age of the subjects with the abnormal Pap test was 46.33 ± 3.2. The age of patients with ASCUS lesion was 38,6 , LSIL 41,0, ASC-H was 47,3 , HSIL (CIN II and CIN III) 45,8 , while patients with CIS were 51,2 years. Pathological histology HSIL confirmed a high grade lesion in 67,7% (CIN II, CIN III and CIS) (N-55), in 32% (N-26) a lower grade CIN I in 18,5% and chronic cervicitis in 13,5% (N-11). In ASC-H lesion pathohistological HSIL was found in 13,5% (N-5), CIN I 13,5% (N-5) and chronic cervicitis 48,6 % (N-18). Abnormal colposcopic imaging with HSIL lesion was found in 72,9% (N-69), in 8,6% (N-7) was unsatisfactory and in 18,5% (N-15) the colposcopic finding was normal. In ASC-H lesions, abnormal colposcopic imaging was found in 40,5% (N-15), unsatisfactory findings in 10,8% (N-4), and normal findings in 48,6% (N-18). Conclusion: Colposcopy has proven to be better method than cytology with an accuracy of 72,9% in high-grade lesion such as HSIL and ASC-H.
Key words: Colposcopy, Pap test, HSIL, ASC-H, Cervical carcinoma.