Child birth is a moment in womens life, she become a mother. Though the end result is regarding the process of labour is painful, which we believe it is a curse to the woman kind because of the first women sin otherwise which is called the original sin. Aim: Assess the knowledge regarding water birth technique among nurses Materials and methods: A quantitative research approach, descriptive research design was adopted for the study. A sample of 30 staff nurses were selected by using simple
random sampling technique. Structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding water birth technique. The data was analyzed by using the descriptive and inferential statistics i.e. frequency and percentage, mean, standard deviation, Z test and chi-square. MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: Regarding to the level of knowledge on water birth technique among 30 staff nurses respectively, 2(6.6%) were having above 85% (A+) knowledge, 5(16.7%) were having above 75% (A) knowledge, 5(16.7%) were having above 65% (B+) knowledge, 11(36.7%) were having above 55% (B) knowledge, 7(2.33%) were having above 50% (C) knowledge.
Key words: Knowledge, water birth technique, nurses