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NNJ. 2016; 5(4): 18-20

Practice of intravenous fluid administration for patients with diarrhea among staff nurses

Ms. Anju P Mohanan, Asst. Prof. N. Subhashini.


Acute diarrhea is one of the most common diagnosis and is responsible for the considerable morbidity around the world. Prompt treatment with the intravenous fluid can minimizes the mortality among general population. Aim: Assess the practice of intravenous fluid administration for patients with diarrhea. Materials and methods: Quantitative research approach and descriptive design was adopted for the study. 30 samples were selected by using random sampling technique. Check list with 27 items was used for identifying the practice of IV fluid administration. The data was analyzed by using the descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The study findings revealed that, 2 (6.7%) staff nurses are poor in their practice, 10(33.3%) staff nurses are fair in their practice and 18(60%) are good in practice of intravenous fluid administration. staff nurses mean practice score is 21.3 and standard deviation is 3.725. Area of work and attendence any CNE Program have shown significant association with the level of practice.

Key words: Practice, intravenous fluid administration, diarrhea, staff nurses

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