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NNJ. 2016; 5(4): 14-17

Applicability of rule of halves in rural adult population to evaluate its relevance in establishing levels of awareness

Dr. Indira S, Asst. Prof. Mrs. K. Kantha.


Introduction: Evidence from clinical practice and from the literature suggest that approximately half of most common chronic disorders are undetected, that half of those detected are not treated, and that half of those treated are not controlled: the ‘rule of halves’. Workload in primary care would increase by at least 12% if all common and important chronic disorders were fully diagnosed, treated and followed up; the accompanying effects on prescribing costs would be complex, but not necessarily inflationary. Objective: The aim of the present study was to assess the applicability of the rule of halves in a rural adult population in Varakavipudi to evaluate its relevance in establishing levels of awareness, thus control of hypertension in general population. Materials and Methods: A cross, sectional community survey was done which includes 105 men and 145 women aged >20 years of age in Varakavipudi, Nellore district. Hypertension was assessed using standardized recording, structured schedule on diagnosis and antihypertensive drug treatment according to The Indian hypertension guidelines for High Blood Pressure. Results: Of the total 250 participants, 108 individuals (108/250) that is 43.2% had hypertension. The prevalence of self reported hypertension among patients reporting to PHC was 30.55% (33/108). However, the prevalence of self reported hypertension among diagnosed patients of hypertension (aware) on examination by investigator was (75/108; 69.44%). Of these 75 aware hypertensive subjects, 90.66% (68/75) were under treatment for hypertension. Of those 68 treated, 22 got adequately treated that is 32.35% (22/68) got their BP under control. Of these 75 individuals (aware and treated), 32.35% (22/68) had BP under control (adequately treated) as per definitions. Of 75 aware hypertensive, 7 patients that is 9.33% (7/75) were not receiving any kind of drug treatment at all.

Key words: Hypertension, population, rule of halves, Rural.

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