Introduction: Health kiosks are an innovative and cost-effective solution that organizations can easily implement to help educate people. Aim: To determine the data requirements and basis for designing health information kiosks as a new technology to maintain the health of society. Methods: By reviewing the literature, a list of information requirements was provided in 4 sections (demographic information, general information, diagnostic information and medical history), and questions related to the objectives, data elements, stakeholders, requirements, infrastructures and the applications of health information kiosks were provided. In order to determine the content validity of the designed set, the opinions of 2 physicians and 2 specialists in medical informatics were obtained. The test-retest method was used to measure its reliability. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results: In the proposed model for Iran, 170 data elements in 6 sections were presented for expertsÂ’ opinion, which ultimately, on 106 elements, a collective agreement was reached. Conclusion: To provide a model of health information kiosk, creating a standard data set is a critical point. According to a survey conducted on the various literature review studies related to the health information kiosk, the most important components of a health information kiosk include six categories; information needs, data elements, applications, stakeholders, requirements and infrastructure of health information kiosks that need to be considered when designing a health information kiosk.
Key words: kiosk Information requirements, health information kiosk, health system.