In the present study the chemical characteristics of three potential weeds Merremia peltata, Amaranthus viridis and Andropogon saccharoides which were locally available in abundance were analyzed through proximate analysis studies according to TAPPI standard method. The results show that holocellulose content in Merremia peltata, Amaranthus viridis and Andropogon saccharoides were found to be 64.19%, 73.26% and 72.41% respectively which is found to be comparable with holocellulose content present in soft and hard wood trees. Also, when the lignin content of Merremia peltata (19.46%), Amaranthus viridis (12.30%) and Andropogon saccharoides (22.19%) were analyzed in comparison with the other non-wood species like sugar maple (21.79%), Lantana camara (26.93±2.65%) and torpedo grass (21.48%), a comparable result was obtained. These results affirm the potential of these species for use in pulp and paper industries. Also, these species which are locally available can become a potential source of income if an organized effort to pool the biomass is considered.
Key words: Paper & Pulp, Weeds, Merremia peltata, Amaranthus viridis, Andropogon saccharoides