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Hemodialysis Patients’ Information and Associated Characteristics

Maria Polikandrioti, Ioannis Koutelekos, George Vasilopoulos, Fotoula Babatsikou1, Georgia Gerogianni, Sofia Zyga, George Panoutsopoulos.


Introduction: of this study was to explore characteristics associated with hemodialysis patients’ degree of information. Material and Methods: The sample of the study included 650 patients undergoing hemodialysis. For data collection a questionnaire specially designed for the needs of the research was used. More specifically, socio-demographic, clinical and other patients’ characteristics were associated with the degree of information as it was reported by patients. Results: of the 650 participants, 55.4% was men while 58.6% of the sample was aged over 60 years. Regarding information level, results showed that only 9.8% was “little” or “not all” informed about their health problem, 61,7% was “enough” informed whereas 28.5% were “very” informed. Statistically significant association was observed between degree of information and age (p=

Key words: Information level, hemodialysis patients, socio-demographic and clinical characteristics.

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