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Cost analysis of oral anti‑platelet drugs – A pharmacoeconomic study

Lakshmi Deepika P, Supriya Priyambada.

Cited by 4 Articles

Background: Antiplatelets are drugs which interfere with platelet function and are useful in the prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic disorders, acute coronary syndrome and preventive measures of coronary heart disease.

Aims and Objectives: To find different anti‑platelets available either singly or in combination. to evaluate and compare the cost of a particular drug (single/combination drugs) in the same strength, number, and dosage forms being manufactured by different companies.

Materials and Methods: Current Index of Medical Stores April‑July 2016 edition and Indian Drug Review, were used for the study (1) The retail cost and the difference between maximum and minimum price of a particular drug being manufactured by different companies, in the same strength, number, and dosage forms will be compared. (2) Results will be calculated by proper statistical analysis.

Results: The price of a total of 7 drugs (5 single and 2 combination preparations) available in 18 different formulations manufactured by different companies were analyzed. In single drug therapy, clopidogrel (75 mg) showed maximum price variation of 726.9%, while aspirin (50 mg) shows minimum price variation of 2.66%. In combination therapy, aspirin + clopidogrel (75 mg + 75 mg) showed a maximum price variation of 310.36%.

Conclusion: There is a wide variation exist between the maximum and minimum cost among single and combination therapy of oral antiplatelets.

Key words: Oral Antiplatelets; Cost Analysis; Pharmacoeconomics

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