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Case Report

Crooked painful sacro-coccygeal region as presenting feature of osteomalacia – A case report

Ganesh Singh Dharmshaktu, Binit Singh, Alamgir Jhan.

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Osteomalacia is a result of severe and uncompensated vitamin D or phosphate depletion. It has characteristic clinical, biochemical and radiological profile. The resultant softening of the bone may lead to varied patterns of deformities affecting axial as well as appendicular skeleton. The unexposed parts of the skeletal system like lower spine may also bear the brunt of deformity due to cyclic physiological loading in the setting of weakened bone. Very few reports are there describing a severe sacral and coccyx deformity along with other radiological features as pointer towards the diagnosis of a generalized metabolic condition like osteomalacia. Radiographs of a young lady with severe coccydynia revealed severe sacro-coccygeal deformity along with other features like tri-radiate pelvis, pseudofractures,bilateral secondary protrusio of hip and underlying osteopenia.

Key words: Osteomalacia, Vitamin D Deficiency, Coccygodynia, Triradiate pelvis. Deformity, Coccyx.

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