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Review Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(11): 1988-1995

Antioxidant properties of Zamzam water: a review for arsenic concerns and potential modulation of drug toxicity

Naif Aljuhani.


Zamzam water is a well-known natural alkaline (pH: 8) drinking water originating from Zamzam well in Makkah (Saudi Arabia) that needs many research efforts being consumed worldwide. A recently published German study confirmed the purity, alkalinity, and stability of Zamzam water components. Zamzam water confers many health benefits and tissue-protective benefits that are promising based on the high mineral and electrolyte contents that correct dehydration and relieve malnutrition besides water alkalinity gastro-esophageal conditions and metabolic acidosis. Pharmacologically, Zamzam water exerts antioxidant hepatoprotective effects against toxins-induced oxidative stress (against carbon tetrachloride and other toxins). Mineral contents of Zamzam water cannot be gained from any other drinking water source except for food. Absent signs, symptoms, and clinical reports of arsenic toxicity greatly relieve British Broadcasting Corporation concerns regarding the consumption of Zamzam water. Reported arsenic concentrations in Zamzam water produce arsenic trioxide (anti-leukemia). Also, co-administration of antioxidants and arsenicals abolished arsenic-induced cellular cytotoxicity. Zamzam water’s overall antioxidant effects strongly support its therapeutic roles as potential antitoxic water, a pharmacological property that may better be utilized in clinical toxicology and treating different kinds of toxicities. We emphasize many drugs-induced free radicals through drug metabolism and discuss biochemical pathways that describe drug metabolites’ disposition in humans. In this review article, all these issues are discussed.

Key words: Zamzam water, ROS, antioxidant, arsenic, GSH, drugs

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