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AAM. 2017; 6(3-4): 106-114

Pharmacological evaluation of excess intake of Amlarasa (Sour taste) with special reference to Tamarindus indica Linn. fruit pulp

Kalpesh Panara, Hetal Aghera, Ashok B. K., Rabinarayan Acharya.


Introduction: Ayurveda advocates balanced intake of all the Rasa (taste) in diet, which helps maintaining physiological health for excessive intake of any may produce undesired effects. Amlarasa (sour taste) is a liked and commonly consumed taste as an appetizer or as taste enhancer. Some people however are fond of it to the extent of excess consumption. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica Linn.) is a common source of sour taste in Indian food. Its pulp is used to make various food preparations and taste enhancers. Materials and Methods: The present study was planned to assess any adverse effect of Amlarasa (sour taste) having Tamarindus indica Linn.
ripened fruit pulp as a representative, given in higher dose and for long duration to wistar albino rats . Therapeutically equivalent dose (TED) of 540 mg/kg and an overdose (TED×5 = 2700mg/kg) of tamarind fruit pulp, was administered orally for 60 days to Wistar Albino rats. Ponderal changes, gross behaviour, haematological, serum biochemical parameters were evaluated and histopathological study were carried out. Results: Tamarindus indica pulp (2700mg/kg) has shown mild fatty changes and cell infiltration in the liver sections. At therapeutic and higher dose level, blood sugar, serum uric acid and SGOT levels were found to be increased significantly.
Conclusion: Study supports the concept of Atiyoga (over consumption) referring to Amlarasa lead to certain undesired heath onsequences.

Key words: Tamarindus indica Linn., Sour taste, Atiyoga, Over consumption, Amla rasa.

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