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Does visceral fat affect aerobic fitness in Indian adolescents of 18-19 years’ age group?

Shweta M Parikh, Hasmukh D Shah, Sushil Kumar Singh.

Cited by 15 Articles

Background: Cardiovascular endurance tests are considered as one of the best methods for assessment of the individual’s health. Reduced aerobic fitness is seen in overweight and obese. Aerobic fitness is also reduced in centrally obese individual. However, very less scientific documentation available on the effect of visceral fat on aerobic fitness in Indian adolescents.

Aims and Objectives: The present study was undertaken to check the effect of visceral fat on aerobic fitness in Indian adolescents of 18-19 years of age group.

Materials and Methods: Our study was conducted on 120 healthy, non-athletes’ Indian adolescents (60 males and 60 females) of 18-19 years of age group after their voluntary written consent. Visceral fat was recorded by bioelectrical impedance technique using Omron HBF-302 body fat analyzer. All volunteers were categorized into two groups on the basis of their visceral fat. Volunteers with visceral fat 0-9 were categorized as a normal visceral fat group, and volunteers with visceral fat ≥10 were categorized as a high visceral fat group. Estimation of VO2max was done by treadmill exercise test following the standard Bruce protocol.

Results: In high visceral fat Indian adolescents, VO2max by treadmill exercise test was significantly less as compared to the normal visceral fat group. In normal visceral fat male adolescents (n = 30), VO2max was 49.29 ± 7.81 ml/kg/min, and in high visceral fat male adolescents (n = 30), VO2max was 33.94 ± 6.75 ml/kg/min. (P < 0.001). Similarly, in normal visceral fat female Indian adolescents, VO2max was 47.85 ± 7.10 ml/kg/min, whereas in high visceral fat female adolescents (n = 30), VO2max was 29.68 ± 7.79 ml/kg/min (P < 0.001).

Conclusion: VO2max was significantly less in high visceral fat adolescents compared to normal visceral fat adolescents. Increased visceral fat is associated with reduced aerobic fitness in Indian adolescents.

Key words: Visceral Fat; Aerobic Fitness; Predicted VO2max; Bruce Protocol; Indian Adolescents

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