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Synergistic effect of some medicinal plants oils incorporated with silver Nanoparticles against different Gram negative bacteria.

Mahmoud AbdEl-Mongy, Abeer Mohamed, Shehab E talat.


Background and objective: food borne Gram negative bacteria cause many diseases to human and resistant to most antibiotics. This study was undertaken to overcome this pathogenic bacteria with oils of medicinal plants and with silver nano-particles and both of them. Materials and methods: isolation was carried out using classical methods by using selective media and identification of this isolates by using biochemical methods. Extraction of oils from four medical plants was done and analysis of these oils was by GC analysis and the isolates tested against oils and silver nano-particles and both of them with each other. Results: result showed identified isolates were 50 pathogenic bacteria as E. coli, Citrobacter freundi, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter spp. and pseudomonas aeruginosa from different sources of food and showed resistance to oils of medical plants and sensitivity to other oil and silver naoparticles and The highest presented results showed E. coli isolated from Milk resistant to Peppermint/ silver nanoparticles 37 (mm). Conclusion: using silver nanoparticle with oils of medical plants affect positively against Gram negative bacteria isolated from food.

Key words: Silver nanoparticles, Gram negative bacteria, plant oil and antibiotic resistance.

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