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RMJ. 2017; 42(3): 291-294

Frequency of deep vein thrombosis among hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis

Muhammad Aslam, Qurat ul Ain Javaid, Memona Attaria.


Objective: To determine the frequency of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) among hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis
Methodology: A total of 435 hospitalized cases of liver cirrhosis were included in study. Patients of both gender between 20-45 years of age were taken for study.
Results: Out of 435 patients, n=118(27.13%) were between 20-30 years of age while n=317 (72.87%) were between 31-45 years of age. Mean age was 35.43±8.02 years. There were 299 (68.74%) male and 136(31.26%) female with male to female ratio 2:1. DVT was found in 22 (5.06%) cases. Out of 435 patients 188(43.22%) belonged to class A, 144(33.10%) had B class while 103(23.68%) had class C Child Pugh class. Stratification for frequency with regards to age showed that out of 22 cases, 6 were between 20-30 years and 16 were between 31-45 years of age. Stratification for frequency with regards to gender shows that out of 22 cases, 10 were male and 12 were females. Frequency with regards to Child Pugh class showed that out of 22 patients, 6 were class A, 7 were class B and 9 were class C (p=0.05).
Conclusion: Frequency of DVT among hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis was found more between 31 to 45 years of age and in female patients as compare to males. It is found more in patients who were in Child Pugh class C. Frequency of DVT among hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis is not very higher but it should not be considered rare.

Key words: Liver cirrhosis, deep vein thrombosis, Frequency.

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