Lauha (Iron) Bhasma is one of the important metallic preparations used in Âyurveda for therapeutic purposes. A popular method for the preparation of
lauha bhasma is trividha pâka method and this method was employed in this study. Âyurvedic purification (úodhanâ) of iron was done by heating iron up to
red hot and quenching in various prescribed liquid media. Then it was subjected for sun drying with triphala decoction (Bhânupâka). Then it was taken in
iron vessel with triphala decoction and exposed to intense heat until total decoction was evaporated (sthâlipâka). Then incineration cycles were given
(Putapâka). It took 20 incineration cycles for the procurement of desired Bhasma which fulfils the set standards of the classical literature like color (pakva
zambhû phala, purple), floating on water (vâritara), fineness (rekhâpûrna) etc. It was found that there was substantial weight increase in the final product. It
took about 100 working days for the preparation.
Key words: Lauha Bhasma, Muffle furnace,